Actionable Insights (AI)
at your fingertips
UnWRAP hidden insights in your
program data with powerful analytics
Transform Data into Insights
Your Data, Your VMS, Your Program, Our Actionable Insights (AI)
Highly Configurable
Predictive Analytics
Annual Budgets
Generate AI Job Descriptions
Pay Rates
And so much more!
Drive and create value with WRAP –
Workspend Reporting & Analytics Platform
On-demand Actionable Insights (AI)
Spend, Headcount, Turnover, Cost Savings, Time-to-fill
Market Rate Intelligence
Concise rate benchmarking across all skill sets to advise on market pay/bill rates and salary ranges.
MSP, Suppliers, SLA Monitoring
Survey Data
Suppliers, Managers, Contingent Workers
Data-Driven Actionable Insights
Often, you discover information long after you need it.
WRAP will accelerate your response time to market events which will allow you to rapidly pivot with real-time, comprehensive data. The wealth of data at your disposal allows you to extract actionable insights. These insights drive recommendations that improve quality, economize costs, expedite the talent sourcing lifecycle, and cultivate operational efficiencies.
Predictive Analytics
- Annual Budgets – manage spend more accurately
- Job Description Generator – generative AI to assist and save time
- Pay Rates – compare city/state/national level compensation
Track candidate diversity
Measuring and reporting performance
Not only are metrics and KPIs unique for each organization, but they’re also constantly changing. Workspend’s WRAP platform brings a flexible and dynamic approach to measuring KPIs, ensuring every organization can track and manage the key metrics relevant for them through Actionable Insights.
From program inception, we rigorously measure and report on every facet of our solution. This begins with program launch and extends to ongoing performance monitoring, backed by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and satisfaction surveys.
Benchmarking capabilities
Leveraging our vast repository of data, including millions of data points from our data warehouse and multiple 3rd party subscription-based rate tools, we offer you valuable insights through WRAP. These insights allow you to be best in class and the market with hourly pay rates, salary ranges based on job descriptions, and the competitive hiring landscape.
Additionally, we provide in-depth analysis of talent supply and demand curves for specific skill sets within defined geographies.
Going beyond data
Today most Vendor Management System (VMS) provide lots of fundamental data, the challenge is finding out what matters most within the data. With WRAP we transcend raw data to deliver insightful analysis, interpretation, and actionable recommendations pertaining to contingent workforce performance, utilization, cost optimization, and other pivotal metrics.
The cutting-edge data engine found in Workspend’s WRAP platform will expose those actionable insights that will keep moving your businesses forward.